The cruelty that has been witnessed through the live stream videos and images emanating from Gaza and the occupied territories has been off the scale...
The report – The Limits To Growth – found that a “stabilized world” scenario – in which global collapse was avoided and living standards remained stable – could be possible, but dramatic shifts in priorities and societal values were required...
A 1972 Report About Global Collapse Is Proving To Be Surprisingly Accurate
Tom Hale IFLScience
A dazzlingly fast chatbot cannot replace the authentic and reflective voice of a thinking, living human being...
Gödel, Escher, Bach, and AI
Douglas Hofstadter The Atlantic
With its potential to produce disinformation and misinformation at scale threatens to interfere with democratic representation, undermine democratic accountability, and corrode social and political trust. Could advances in artificial intelligence actually pose an existential threat to humanity?
How AI Threatens Democracy
Sarah Kreps Doug Kriner Journal of Democracy
Now, fifty years later, fiction like Dune turns real right before our eyes. But where’s an environmental movement as strong, as effective, as pro-active as the 1960s and 70s on progressive legislation protecting the environment? It’s disappeared.
Amazon Death Rattle
Robert Hunziker Counter Punch
Washington, London, and Stockholm have acted with the complicity of an institution supposed to speak truth to power and to protect the innocent—the press, for once, not very supportive of another journalist...
The Media Against Julian Assange
Laurent Dauré Counter Punch
A recent police raid on a Pittsburgh homeless encampment highlights the systemic neglect and exploitation faced by vulnerable populations, underscoring the urgent need for compassionate and supportive solutions rather than punitive measures.
When Compassion Vanishes: The Aftermath of Pittsburgh’s Homeless Encampment Raid
Come possiamo affrontare le sconvolgenti trasformazioni del mondo moderno? Qual è il nostro ruolo di fronte alla tecnica? L'ascesa della tecnica ha provocato una totale catastrofe della conoscenza umana, trasformando radicalmente il nostro modo di vivere e di pensare.
Günther Anders - L'uomo è antiquato. Considerazioni sull'anima nell'epoca della seconda rivoluzione industriale (Vol. 1)
Il potere non solo osserva, ma modella e controlla la vita quotidiana delle persone. La nuova dimensione della sorveglianza permea ogni aspetto dell'esistenza umana, influenzando le decisioni, i comportamenti e persino le identità individuali.
Zygmunt Bauman - Sesto Potere: La Sorveglianza nella Modernità Liquida
Jappe calls the mutually constitutive manifestations of narcissism and the logic of value the ‘fetishist narcissist paradigm’, where ‘[n]arcissism and commodity fetishism are two sides of the same social form.’
Anselm Jappe - The Self-Devouring Society: Capitalism, Narcissism, and Self-Destruction
Reviewed by Jamie Keesling Marx&Philosophy
An incendiary portrait of racial tension and police brutality set in Brixton, London. The film, anchored by Dennis Bovell’s propulsive score, is partly based on Bovell’s false imprisonment for running a Jamaican sound system, Sufferer’s Hi Fi, in the mid-70s.
BABYLON directed by Franco Rosso (1980)
The film tells the stories of asylum seekers fleeing violence in their home countries, activists fighting to protect the rights of undocumented immigrants, and others caught up in what Pamala Yates calls “the border-industrial complex, the billions of dollars of our tax money that is being spent to capture, incarcerate and deport immigrants”.
Borderland: The Line Within New Film on Who Profits from Deportations & Border-Industrial Complex
Democracy Now
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