An official report by a Slovak government commission investigating the COVID-19 pandemic recommended mRNA vaccines be banned after determining they are “dangerous”... 

The commission also called on Slovakia to oppose the World Health Organization’s (WHO) pandemic treaty and recent amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR)...

Slovak Government Report Calls for Ban of ‘Dangerous’ mRNA Vaccines, and so does a city in Western Australia

Michael Nevradakis The Defender

Study finds 55 undeclared chemical elements in COVID-19 vaccine vials, including heavy metals and radioactive materials, raising critical questions about vaccine safety and manufacturer transparency...

Alarming Study Reveals Undeclared Toxic Elements in COVID-19 Vaccines


The pharmaceutical industry paid $1.06 billion to reviewers at top medical journals between 2020 and 2022, according to a research letter published last week in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)...

Pharma Paid $1.06 Billion to Reviewers at Top Medical Journals

Brenda Baletti The Defender

Google has signed a deal to use small nuclear reactors to generate the vast amounts of energy needed to power its artificial intelligence (AI) data centres...

Google turns to nuclear to power AI data centres

João da Silva BBC

Da anni, le principali industrie militari studiano e sviluppano armi letali autonome – LAWS (Lethal autonomous weapons systems) – per selezionare e distruggere bersagli senza controllo...

I “robot killer” stanno arrivando: cosa sono e in quali guerre sono già stati impiegati

Davide Falcioni Fanpage

Facial recognition technology for accessing Yes, that beloved single sign-in service, connecting Americans to federal and state agencies, now wants your face—literally...

Logging Into a Brave New World: How Facial Recognition Just Got Personal

Christina Maas Reclaim The Net 

The head of the group of atomic bomb survivors, Nihon Hidankyo, after receiving Nobel Peace Prize has compared Gaza today to Japan 80 years ago when the U.S. bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki...

Atomic Bomb Survivors Win Nobel Peace Prize, Say Gaza Today Is Like Japan 80 Years Ago

Democracy Now

Hindenburg Research claimed Roblox’s games exposed children to grooming, pornography, violent content and abusive speech...

Ofcom urged to act after US firm claims Roblox is ‘paedophile hellscape’

Dan Milmo Keza MacDonald The Guardian

The Archdiocese of Los Angeles, the nation’s largest, has agreed to pay $880 million to 1,353 people who say they were sexually abused as children by Catholic clergy.

Archdiocese of Los Angeles Agrees to Pay $880 Million to Settle Sex Abuse Claims

Ruth Graham Orlando Mayorquín

A society anchored in individualism, that treats its citizens as self-interested micro entrepreneurs of self-exploitation, one whose return on such investments leaves multitudes of ‘losers’ in its wake, is not the most ecologically habitable zone for democracy...

The Capitalist Threat to Democracy


The old narrative of conquest, violence, and atrocity was thus transformed into a story where elites made modernity, the popular struggles waged against them receding into the background...

The Story of Columbus


Named after the Beatles song, Lucy became an instant sensation. Nothing like her had ever been found before...

How the Famous Lucy Fossil Revolutionized the Study of Human Origins



The book shows how humans are abused, wasted, killed off, sent to work in brutal and thankless conditions on pointless projects, controlled by comfortable elites, tortured by government-employed psychopaths, and generally treated with disregard...

POLOSTAN Neal Stephenson

Peter Suderman Reason

Principale ispiratore della poetica della negritudine, autore di importanti studi storici sulla schiavitù e sul colonialismo e di originali opere teatrali, Aimé Césaire è sicuramente uno dei protagonisti principali del pensiero anticoloniale del Novecento e un anticipatore di molti dei temi oggi al centro della critica postcoloniale...

