A not too distant but a dystopian future...

Superintelligent machines have a self-preservation objective, their goal could be to destroy humanity so we couldn't turn them off...

Humanity faces a 'catastrophic' future if we don’t regulate AI, 'Godfather of AI' Yoshua Bengio says

Ben Turner Live Science

"Il giornalismo non è un crimine. È un pilastro di una società libera e informata. Tutti i giornalisti devono essere degli attivisti per la verità"...

Julian Assange: “Sono libero perché mi sono dichiarato colpevole di giornalismo. L’Europa agisca per salvare la libertà d’espressione”

Il Fatto Quotidiano

In a plea to European lawmakers, Assange called for stronger protection of freedom of expression amidst increasing “impunity, secrecy, and retaliation for telling the truth”...

After 14 Years of Confinement, Journalist Julian Assange Calls on Europe to Defend Freedom of Expression

Dan Frieth Reclaim the Net

The prosecution of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange was "politically motivated" and had a "chilling" effect on the whole media landscape...

Prosecution of Wikileaks founder Assange 'politically motivated': Euro rights body


Big Tech’s Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT) alliance, often accused of censorship of legal content, continues to face allegations about an ongoing lack of transparency regarding its operations...

Censorship and Transparency Issues in “Anti-Terror” Tech Alliance

Didi Rankovic Reclaim the Net 

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. called it an “unconstitutional attempt to pass a treaty that allows international organizations to violate the sovereignty of the United States of America”...

Stocks of companies that make money off of war soared on Tuesday after Israelis initiated a ground invasion into Lebanon and Iran sent scores of ballistic missiles toward Tel Aviv and other targets.

'So Sick': War Profiteer Stocks Jump as Iran Strikes Israel


The Freedom Party was founded in the wake of World War II by former Nazis. On Sunday, protesters gathered outside the Parliament building in Vienna chanting, “Nazis, get out of Parliament”...

Austria's Nazi-Created Freedom Party Wins Parliamentary Elections

Democracy Now

A PROMINENT TEXAS lawyer says he’s now working with 120 people with a range of sexual abuse claims against Sean “Diddy” Combs. 25 of the new clients were minors at the time...

The 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, an attack by a white mob on a thriving Black district, is considered one of the worst single acts of violence against Black people in U.S. history...

Justice Department To Launch Review Into 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre


Independent testing of Australian vials of modified RNA (mod-RNA) Covid vaccines detected residual synthetic DNA at levels up to 145 above the legal limit...

52 Scientists and Academics: Excessive DNA Contamination in mRNA Vaccines Presents “Substantial Risk” of Cancer

Rebekah Barnett Dystopian Down Under

Assembly Bill 1775 allows dispensaries, with local permission, to sell hot food and nonalcoholic beverages along with marijuana products...


Economist and anthropologist Christophe Darmangeat establishes with overwhelming evidence that, in fact, male domination is the norm in classless societies...

AT THE ORIGIN OF MALE DOMINATION Primitive Communism Is Not What It Used to Be Christophe Darmangeat

Calvino nella intera sua opera ha proposto un vero e proprio metodo che lavorando sugli opposti, la più completa pienezza e l’assoluto vuoto, la leggerezza e la gravosità, la precisione e la più vaga inesattezza, funge da passepartout capace di decrittare ogni complessità...

Il mastodontico romanzo di Roberto Bolaño, Inserito nell’elenco del New York Times dei cento migliori libri del ventunesimo secolo, ha dato forma al paesaggio psichico e morale della nostra epoca...

Un’invettiva velenosa e tagliente contro il male e i potenti di ogni tempo... la tragedia di tutti i tempi racchiusa in una sola guerra gigantesca, dove si obbligano gli uomini a sventrasi tra loro mentre inneggiano alla patria ed ai sovrani... una satira profetica per tutti gli accadimenti del nostro tempo e del tempo futuro...


Kraus reveals how bungled diplomacy, greedy profiteers, Big Business complicity, gullible newsreaders, and, above all, the sloganizing of the press brought down the Austro-Hungarian Empire as his homeland descended into self-destruction...


The critically acclaimed documentary feature film Israelism investigates the pro-Israel propaganda machine in the US and the journey some young Jewish Americans are taking away from it...

Global Rebellion Daily PLAYLIST
