A not too distant but a dystopian future...
Superintelligent machines have a self-preservation objective, their goal could be to destroy humanity so we couldn't turn them off...
Humanity faces a 'catastrophic' future if we don’t regulate AI, 'Godfather of AI' Yoshua Bengio says
Ben Turner Live Science
"Il giornalismo non è un crimine. È un pilastro di una società libera e informata. Tutti i giornalisti devono essere degli attivisti per la verità"...
Julian Assange: “Sono libero perché mi sono dichiarato colpevole di giornalismo. L’Europa agisca per salvare la libertà d’espressione”
Il Fatto Quotidiano
In a plea to European lawmakers, Assange called for stronger protection of freedom of expression amidst increasing “impunity, secrecy, and retaliation for telling the truth”...
After 14 Years of Confinement, Journalist Julian Assange Calls on Europe to Defend Freedom of Expression
Dan Frieth Reclaim the Net
The prosecution of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange was "politically motivated" and had a "chilling" effect on the whole media landscape...
Prosecution of Wikileaks founder Assange 'politically motivated': Euro rights body
Big Tech’s Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT) alliance, often accused of censorship of legal content, continues to face allegations about an ongoing lack of transparency regarding its operations...
Censorship and Transparency Issues in “Anti-Terror” Tech Alliance
Didi Rankovic Reclaim the Net
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. called it an “unconstitutional attempt to pass a treaty that allows international organizations to violate the sovereignty of the United States of America”...
UN Passes ‘Pact for the Future’: Smart Vaccines, More Censorship, but No New Emergency Powers
'So Sick': War Profiteer Stocks Jump as Iran Strikes Israel
The Freedom Party was founded in the wake of World War II by former Nazis. On Sunday, protesters gathered outside the Parliament building in Vienna chanting, “Nazis, get out of Parliament”...
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