Dar'ja Dugina, giornalista e analista politica russa, morta in un attentato il 20 agosto 2022 a Bol'šie Vjazëmy, presso Mosca, era figlia di Aleksandr Gel'evič Dugin, filosofo di estrema destra e sostenitore dell'invasione russa dell'Ucraina...
“Philosophy is born where life and death coexist […]. For me, Novorossiya [a proposed confederation of Russia and Eastern Ukraine] is a space of philosophical meaning”
Dar'ja Dugina wrote frequently about the “death of liberalism,” and she welcomed the end of France’s “Macron era” in 2017 and again in 2020. She described Marine Le Pen as the voice of the people, characterized French politics as “a real war,” and hoped that Donald Trump’s presidency in America would redirect Washington’s “all-seeing globalist eye” to East Asia and give Europe “a chance to gain its sovereignty and escape the U.S. diktat”.
Europeans would come to see Russia as an “island of freedom” and an “anti-totalitarian front” against “liberal dictatorship”. Dugina’s ideal Russia merged leftist economics (but not the “gender theories” or “queer satanism” of “leftist politics”) with right-wing conservativism. She reasoned that this marriage of ideas was natural in the Russian context, despite being irreconcilable in the West:
Look at how the Russian people respond to socialism and how they accept it — almost like a religion, like a faith, and the USSR was a state like a religion, except the Soviet man, not God, was revered. Just look at all the mysticism in early Communism […].
On February 24, 2022, hours after Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Dugina wrote that she’d had a premonition the night before about Russians on the march: “I had in my head the slogan, ‘Let there be empire!’ and the empire had come true by the time I awoke.”
In June, Dugina visited Mariupol, then occupied by Russian troops. After inspecting the catacombs of the Azovstal iron and steel works (where Azov Regiment soldiers mounted their last stand while defending the city), she appeared on a YouTube show and called the factory “a great place for dark rituals”.
Dugina also recognized the “fearlessness” of the Azov fighters, albeit in the most insulting way imaginable: “There was some element of Russianness found in them, but only some — they surrendered, after all”, she said.
In her last “academic paper,” written for the ARMY-2022 international military exhibition, Dugina expounded on the “synergetic effect” of “information flows” in wartime and claimed that the executions by Russian soldiers of civilians in towns outside Kyiv were “staged” and then verified by “actors” posing as bystanders — all with the covert goal of influencing Western audiences and both radicalizing and terrorizing Ukrainians. Dugina also noted sinisterly that linguists have observed that the name of the town “Bucha” (where the first Russian atrocities were reported) resembles the English word “butcher”.
In her final interview, recorded just hours before she was killed, Dugina defended the invasion of Ukraine as “the last nail in the coffin of this global hegemon”. She also accused Bill Gates of using vaccines to shrink the population of Africa and warned against the West’s environmentalist agenda, its veganism, its freeganism, the battle for transgender rights, and the “conversion of people into homosexuality”.
Eurasianism, as espoused by Dugin and his followers, is too eclectic to fit into a neat ideological category. It combines vast imperialist appetites with vicious hatred of the West and an openly fascist embrace of authoritarianism and Russian supremacy. Because it idealizes Russia’s people as a unified mass, it has elements of left-wing collectivism too; it also elevates Russian Orthodoxy to a heavenly mandate for the Kremlin to liberate Eurasia from those they consider Western heathens.
For Eurasianism is anti-Western—and especially anti-American—at its core: The Eurasian Youth Union’s “catechism” states that the United States “is the beginning and end of our hatred”. The movement’s view of the United States as an empire of corruption and degeneracy has won them sympathetic ears among Western right-wing populists and far-left political parties.
In fact, Dugina was actively cultivating relationships with European politicians for the Eurasian movement at the time of her death, meeting with associates of Kremlin-friendly far-right leaders, such as France’s Marine le Pen and former Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini.
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In this collection of lectures, essays, and interviews, Dugina highlights the complex intersections of New Right thought with currents like National Bolshevism and Eurasianism, investigating the philosophical and geopolitical frontlines of the fracturing world order. Dugina takes readers on a far-reaching journey beyond the standard ideological spectrum, inviting a deeper understanding of identity politics in the contemporary age. Here, philosophy meets praxis, inspiring those searching for alternatives in today’s monotone world to revisit the foundations and peaks of Europe’s intellectual heritage...
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