A committee of the United States Congress has backed the theory that a lab leak caused the COVID-19 pandemic. T
he Republican-controlled House of Representatives Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis concluded that the coronavirus “likely emerged because of a laboratory or research related accident”...

The 520-page report, which was two years in the making, looked at the federal and state-level response to the pandemic, as well as its origins and vaccination efforts. Among the report’s headline conclusions was that the US National Institutes of Health (NIS) funded contentious “gain-of-function” research – which enhances viruses to find ways to combat them – at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China prior to the outbreak.

The department’s finding echoed that of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), which said in 2021 with “moderate confidence” that the virus probably spread after a laboratory mishapThe House committee was convinced by the lab leak theory after meeting 25 times over the past two years, conducting more than 30 transcribed interviews and reviewing more than a million pages of documents.

As part of that investigation, members of the Republican-controlled congressional panel held two days of interviews with Anthony Fauci, the 83-year-old immunologist who now lives with security protection due to death threats against his family.

Republicans have accused Fauci, who retired in December 2022 after 54 years at the NIH, of being responsible for causing the worst pandemic in a century by approving funding for Chinese scientists they believe manufactured SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

The probe also found that lockdowns “did more harm than good” and mask mandates were “ineffective at controlling the spread of Covid-19”, contradicting research showing that masking in public does reduce transmission rates. Contrary to early promises, COVID-19 vaccines did not fully stop virus transmission. Mandates, however, still upended lives and livelihoods, creating widespread frustration and backlash.

The pandemic caused 160,000+ business closures, with 60% of them permanent, and skyrocketing unemployment. “Prolonged closures” were unjustified by science, leading to historic learning loss, higher mental health issues, and declining physical well-being for kids. Federal and state governments were unprepared to manage relief funds or coordinate their COVID responses. The Biden administration allegedly obstructed investigations, with key officials, like Dr. Fauci’s advisor, accused of policy violations and misleading Congress.

Uno scoop del Weekend Australian Magazine ha rivelato l'esistenza di un documento scritto da scienziati e funzionari della sanità pubblica cinesi nel 2015.

Rilasciato cinque anni prima dell'inizio della pandemia, "The Unnatural Origin of SARS and New Species of Man-Made Viruses as Genetic Bioweapons" descrive i coronavirus della SARS come una "nuova era di armi genetiche" che possono essere "trasformate artificialmente e utilizzate come armi in un modo mai visto prima" .

Il dottor Anthony Fauci ha ammesso che Covid-19 potrebbe aver avuto origine in un laboratorio a Wuhan, in Cina, sollecitando ulteriori indagini.

la maggior parte degli uomini e delle donne crescerà per amare la loro schiavitù e non sognerà mai la rivoluzione”.

most men and women will grow up to love their servitude and will never dream of revolution”.

Aldous Huxley, "Brave New World"

Robert Kennedy Jr. paints Gates and Fauci as heirs of the Rockefeller lineage, perfectly at ease in the course charted by that mythical single man, John Davison Rockefeller, who became the richest of all time, the demiurge capitalist who directed destiny towards the iatrogenic catastrophe: an immanent, totalitarian medical malpractice, which feeds on toxic medicines aimed exclusively at profit...

Georgia's pro-Western president has said she will stay in post until new parliamentary elections are held, as protests continue over the government's decision to put EU accession negotiations on hold.

Speaking to the BBC, Salome Zourabichvili, who has sided with the opposition, described the current parliament as "illegitimate" after allegations of fraud in last month's elections. Zourabichvili said she would retain her role as president, despite the country's newly elected parliament saying it would choose her replacement on 14 December.

Mass protests in the capital are continuing to erupt in the capital Tbilisi.

Georgia president calls for new elections as protests erupt again

Rayhan Demytrie BBC

Georgescu’s rise seemed to come out of nowhere. He didn’t feature in the TV debates, had virtually no presence in opinion polls and was not even aligned with any political party. Instead, he campaigned almost solely on TikTok, where videos of him doing judo, riding horses and swimming in rivers have helped him cultivate a strongman image. There he also delights in attacking the sacred cows of Romania’s pro-Western and pro-EU elites. Notoriously, he claimed that NATO would never defend Romania from attack. Even more shockingly, he once argued that Vladimir Putin deserves praise for his uncompromising defence of Russian interests. Such sympathies for Putin are troubling and perplexing, given Russia’s revanchist ambitions in Eastern Europe.

Romania’s elites have declared war on democracy


Mexico's Senate passed a measure to abolish the autonomous bodies that regulate some economic sectors and ensure government transparency
, a reform that has sparked outcry from the opposition and industry.

The reform proposes scrapping autonomous agencies such as antitrust watchdog Cofece, telecoms regulator IFT, energy regulator CRE, hydrocarbon regulator CNH and public information and data protection office INAI.

Their functions would be taken over by other government bodies such as the official statistics office, the electoral authority and government ministries. The head of the Senate constitutional committee, Oscar Canton of the ruling Morena party, said that the proposal represents the administration's commitment to an austere, efficient government focused on the needs of its people.

Mexican senate passes proposal to abolish autonomous bodies


At least 17 civilians in Pakistan were killed and hundreds more were wounded by army and paramilitary gunfire at protesters and one doctor in Islamabad claimed that authorities were attempting to cover up deaths.

Supporters of jailed former Prime Minister Imran Khan and his political party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) have converged on Islamabad. Troops were supposedly given "shoot-on-site" orders as the protesters closed in on D-Chowk, a popular square in the capital near multiple government buildings, calling for fair elections and the release of Khan, who says the charges against him are politically motivated.

Pakistani Authorities Accused of Trying to Cover Up Killings of Protesters


Criminal groups in Haiti have intensified attacks against the population, including by subjecting girls and women to horrific sexual abuse, Human Rights Watch said today. The international community should urgently increase funding to support a rights-based security response, and to improve the ability of the transitional government, as well as grassroots and international organizations, to address the needs of survivors, who have little access to protection and care services.

Criminal groups control over 80 percent of the capital and surrounding areas, as the Haitian National Police and the severely under-resourced United Nations-authorized Multinational Security Support (MSS) mission struggle to restore security. Criminal groups have often used sexual violence to instill fear in rival territories. While fighting between these groups has decreased in 2024, attacks on the population, the police, and the country’s key infrastructure have increased, including through the widespread use of sexual violence. 

The rule of law in Haiti is so broken that members of criminal groups rape girls or women without fearing any consequences”, said Nathalye Cotrino, crisis and conflict researcher at Human Rights Watch.

Haiti: Scarce Protection as Sexual Violence Escalates

Human Rights Watch

In Ecuador people overwhelmingly voted to approve a referendum last year banning future oil extraction in a biodiverse section of the Amazon’s Yasuní National Parka historic referendum result that will protect Indigenous Yasuní land from development. But the newly elected president, Daniel Noboa, has said Ecuador is at war with gang violence and that the country is “not in the same situation as two years ago.” Noboa said oil from the Yasuní National Park could help fund that war against drug cartels. Environmental activists and Indigenous peoples say they’re concerned about his comments because their victory had been hailed as an example of how to use the democratic process to leave fossil fuels in the ground

Amazonian women are at the frontlines of defense”, says Nemonte Nenquimo, an award-winning Waorani leader in the Ecuadorian Amazon who co-founded Amazon Frontlines and the Ceibo Alliance.Nemonte has just published her new memoir titled We Will Be Jaguars: A Memoir of My People

Indigenous Leader Nemonte Nenquimo on Fight to Defend Ecuador’s Ban on Future Amazon Oil Extraction

Democracy Now

Saudi Arabia, Russia and other producers of petroleum, which is used to make most of the world’s plastic, have pushed back against measures that would address plastic pollution by placing curbs on excessive plastic production. The Saudis and their allies have also said they oppose any treaty that would start to list and phase out chemicals present in plastic that are thought to be harmful to health.

Failure to reach an agreement means the talks—known as the INC-5 round that took place in Busan, South Korea—will be extended to another round"Every day that governments allow polluters to continue flooding the world with plastic, we all pay the price. This delay comes with dire consequences for people and the planet, ruthlessly sacrificing those on the frontlines of this crisis", said Graham Forbes, Greenpeace's Head of Delegation to the Global Plastics Treaty negotiations.
An Ohio bill signed by Republican Gov. Mike DeWine will bar transgender students in public and private Ohio schools from using "multi-occupancy facility"—bathrooms, as well as locker rooms, changing room, or shower rooms—that match their gender identity.

Jocelyn Rosnick, policy director for the ACLU of Ohio, said that "this bill ignores the material reality that transgender people endure higher rates of sexual violence and assaults, particularly while using public restrooms, than people who are not transgender."

Ohio Governor Signs 'Harmful' Anti-Trans Bathroom Bill


A supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the US has just pulled off the largest astrophysical simulation of the Universe accomplished to date. In November 2024, physicists used 9,000 computing nodes of the Frontier supercomputer to simulate a volume of the expanding Universe measuring more than 31 billion cubic megaparsecs.

The results of the project, known as ExaSky, will help astrophysicists and cosmologists understand the evolution and physics of the Universe, including probes into the mysterious nature of dark matter.

This Mind-Blowing Vision Is The Biggest Simulation of The Universe Ever



È la prima volta che la Corte Penale Internazionale - International Criminal Court - chiede l’emissione di un mandato d’arresto per un capo di Stato sostenuto dai governi occidentali. Alcuni Stati europei stanno cercando di esercitare delle pressioni politiche, spesso travestite da atti giuridici, perché i mandati di arresto non siano emessi

La conferma dei mandati di arresto per Netanyahu e Gallant (che nel frattempo è stato licenziato), è nelle mani dei giudici; la Camera preliminare ha di recente cambiato composizione, con il rischio di nuovi rallentamenti, ma dal punto di vista tecnico è una decisione che potrebbe essere presa in breve tempo.

I tentativi di condizionamento ci sono e li dobbiamo riconoscere come tali per espellerli, se vogliamo che il sistema di giustizia penale internazionale funzioni. Se tutto viene confuso, si pensa che non esistano più le regole del diritto. Invece queste regole ci sono, ciò che non funziona è la loro esecuzione perché gli Stati la bloccano o la distorcono in base al loro tornaconto politico.

Ogni Stato deve fare la sua parte, e purtroppo non è il caso del nostro Paese. È inaccettabile che in Italia, dove si è tenuta la Conferenza di Roma del 1998 che ha portato alla firma degli accordi alla base della Corte, non si sia ancora adeguata la legislazione interna allo Statuto della Corte

Una delle priorità, visto il supporto militare ed economico che i Paesi europei danno allo Stato di Israele, è intervenire sull’export di armi


Stefano Zoja Altreconomia

Le mafie (Cosa Nostra, Camorra e 'Ndrangheta e altre) sono unite da un unico sistema il cui principale motore rimane il narcotraffico. Si tratta di una miniera inesauribile di ricchezza per le organizzazioni criminali e la cui forza economica viene usata per controllore interi settori del sistema politico e finanziario.

Le mafie di oggi, abbandonata la violenza vistosa che le caratterizzava in passato, si sono trasformate in sofisticate imprese globali. Gestiscono complesse operazioni economiche, riciclano enormi quantità di denaro sporco e collaborano con reti internazionali di criminalità organizzata. La loro influenza si estende senza confini, dall’Europa all’America Latina, passando per Africa e Asia, infiltrandosi nelle istituzioni e destabilizzando le economie locali.

Grazie a strategie di camuffamento sempre più raffinate, sfruttano normative deboli e la complicità di professionisti e colletti bianchi per penetrare in settori strategici come la finanza, le infrastrutture, le energie rinnovabili e il mercato immobiliare. Attraverso paradisi fiscali e circuiti finanziari digitali, le loro operazioni illecite si intrecciano con il tessuto stesso dell’economia globale.

A questo si aggiunge la delegittimazione del lavoro dei magistrati e l'approvazione di riforme che danno ampio spazio ai criminali (vedi riforma Cartabia, Nordio, taglio alle intercettazioni, bavaglio alla stampa, separazione delle carriere, abolizione dell'abuso d'ufficio etc.).

La "criminalità organizzata oggi dispone del più grande ammontare di capitali liquidi, pari all’8-10% del Pil mondiale. Ma per impoverirla si fa poco, in Europa, per esempio, si confisca meno dell’1% dei beni illegalmente conseguiti.

Più la politica è debole e più "le mafie si ingrassano".

Il narcotraffico rimane la principale fonte di ricchezza senza contare che "non c’è mai stata tanta cocaina in circolazione. E alle piazze di spaccio tradizionali si sono aggiunte quelle virtuali, garantite dai mercati nel darkweb".

"UNA COSA SOLA" Nicola Gratteri Antonio Nicaso

Antimafia Duemila

On June 18, 1984, Alan Berg, the controversial radio personality, was gunned down in Denver by members of the Silent Brotherhood, a neo-Nazi terrorist group based in the Pacific Northwest and dedicated to establishing an “Aryan homeland” in five Western states.

Two reporters for the Rocky Mountain News, Kevin Flynn and Gary Gerhardt, covered this now famous murder case, then took their investigation further by spending four years exploring the key personalities of the radical right and “Christian Identity” churches that produced the Silent Brotherhood’s leader, Robert Mathews--a martyr to some skinheads--and a sub-culture of about 20,000 zealots spread from Los Angeles to Canada, from the Ozarks to West Germany. 

According to Flynn and Gerhardt, the constituency of the far right is as wide as the badly wounded American psyche

THE SILENT BROTHERHOOD Inside America’s Racist Underground Kevin Flynn Gary Gerhardt

Charles Johnson Los Angeles Times


The true crime drama takes place in the dusty past but stays in direct conversation with our troubled present. 

Jude Law effectively undersells his performance as FBI agent Terry Husk, whose investigation into a series of Idaho robberies in 1983 uncovers an Aryan Nation splinter group with designs for a race war.

The group, known as The Order, is led by Bob Mathews, who is played by Nicholas Hoult with an understanding that charisma in a cult leader will get you further than anger ever will. 

Only the dogged Husk stands between Mathews and the race war inspired by The Turner Diaries, William Luther Pierce’s racist 1978 instruction manual about a government overthrow and the wholesale murder of Jews and non-whites. 

THE ORDER Justin Kurzel

Mark Keizer Movieweb

